Akademie von Moderators Team

The 4th ed. of the WHO Laboratory Biosafety Manual
- Location: Live webinar
- Video price: for free
- Video duration: 2 hours and 46 minutes
- Language: English
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A recording of this webinar is available.
Notice: You can download the presentations here: https://www.labconcert.de/english/downloads/jan-20th-2021-presentations/
Thank you very much for your participation!
10.00-10.30 a.m. (UTC+1) Lecture: Fabio Blaha
10.30-11.30 a.m. (UTC+1) Lecture: Dr Kathrin Summermatter
11.30 a.m.-12.30 p.m. (UTC+1) Workshop
Duration: app. 2 h 30 min
Dr Kathrin Summermatter, Head of the Biosafety Center at the Institute for Infectious Diseases of the University of Bern, Switzerland
M.A. Fabio Blaha, German LabConCert
The 4th edition of the WHO Laboratory Biosafety Manual has finally been published in late 2020, in addition to 7 monographs that cover the various technical and organizational topics of biosafety.
The central change is its evidence-based and risk-based approach that discards the classification of biological agents into risk groups, as well as the concept of biosafety levels. Instead, it focuses on the specific situation, including the context of the laboratory, the competence of its personnel and the procedures on the biological agents. Following its apporach, every measure to ensure biosafety is the result of the thorough assessment of the concrete risks, which itself is embedded in a comprehensive biosafety programme management. This relates to technical as well as to organizational measures.
For now, the 4th edition marks the first and most important step into biosafety without biosafety levels. It will change the way we think about biosafety, and it will challenge us to find the most practical, most sustainable, most economically feasible, the most situation-adequate solutions. However, the implications for especially the national regulations are not manifest yet. We will take a look into the new WHO Laboratory Biosafety Manual, nevertheless,
to outline its general concept, and
to excite interest in the extensive information that comes with it and its 7 additional monographs.
Join us for the presentations of
Dr Kathrin Summermatter (Institute for Infectious Diseases, University of Bern, Switzerland)
M.A. Fabio Blaha (German LabConCert GmbH, Germany)
as well as for the subsequent workshop on the implications of the 4th edition of the WHO Laboratory Biosafety Manual.