Akademie von Moderators Team

Technical Requirements for High-level Isolation Units
- Location: Live webinar
- Date: Aktuell kein Angebot
- Language: English
- Does my computer meet all the requirements?
1st day - Wednesday, April 27th 2022:
12:45 (UTC+2): Log-in / Welcome address
13:00: Thermal disinfection of infectious wastewater in hospitals - Stefan Jazosch, Andreas Koch
14:00: Realization of HLIUs in existing buildings - Claus Schweinheim
15:00: URS for High-level isolation units: What's most relevant? - Fabio Blaha
2nd day - Thursday, April 28th 2022:
12:30 (UTC+2): Log-in
12:45: Medical Importance of High-level Isolation Units for public health - Timo Wolf
13:45: Short break
14:00: Interview with Chris Cusens, former project manager of the new HLIU at Mater Dei Hospital - Chris Cusens
14:45: Open discussion
High-level Isolation Units (HLIUs) are biocontainment units in healthcare facilities specifically designed for the isolation and treatment of patients with highly infectious diseases (HID). HID are easily transmissible from person to person and pose a threat for healthcare personnel and the public. Therefore, in case of patients with HID (even if only suspected) several measures must be implemented in order to prevent infection and to protect patients as well as healthcare workers: patients need a clinical environment that provides safe, secure and high-quality care as well as an optimal infection containment. Dealing with the technical requirements for High-level Isolation Units is a challenging task of high importance for the global public health.
Together with experts in the field of biocontainment units we will discuss the technical requirements for the design and operation of High-level Isolation Units. Seminar topics will be centered around following questions:
- the medical importance of High-level Isolation Units for public health
- dealing with the diverging biosafety requirements and requirements for high-quality medical patient care
- special requirements on the ventilation systems and air handling in High-level Isolation Units
- standards and regulations for High-level Isolation Units in a global context
- PD Dr. med. Timo Wolf, Universitätsklinikum Frankfurt, Germany
- Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Jazosch, EnviroDTS GmbH, Germany
- Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Koch, EnviroDTS GmbH, Germany
- B.Eng Christopher Cusens, Technoline Ltd, Malta
- Dipl.-Ing. Claus Schweinheim, HT Lab Tec GmbH, Germany
- MA Fabio Blaha, German LabConCert GmbH, Germany